ad hitz

Sunday, 8 May 2011

The Rule of Christ : Killing of Antichrist, Gag and Magog

Appearance of Gog and Magog (Tribe of Yajooj and Majooj)

Just After the killing of Antichrist the tribe of Gog and Maggog will appear on the earth and will out number Jesus’s (peace be upon him) companions. They will all rush towards mount Sani to hide there. The Tribe of Gog and magog will eat all herbs and drink all waters of the rivers and seas, so that if front part of their army passes from River in Iraq the rear part will not reckon that there ever have been any river.

The companions of Jesus (peace be upon him) eat herbs and shrubs and request Jesus (peace be upon him) to help kill them on this he(Jesus) will pray from Almighty God and God will send birds from sky with tiny stones in their beaks and paws and they will drop these stones so will be killed, according to another account a virus will erupt from these falling stones which will affect their (Gog and Magog) necks and they will all fill the land and seas. Now other problem will arise as the earth will be filled with an offensive smel of their corpses, again prophet Jesus will pray and Almighty God will send rain and ask earth to get all corpses in and earth will be rinse with fragrance and Jesus (peace be upon him) and his companions will come down to earth.

The Rule of Jesus (peace be upon him) Christ


The Rule of Jesus(peace be upon him) will last over forty years and world will be the place of peace and tranquility so that humans and animals will live together without harming each other. The Hunters will not hunt, the plant will be without thorns, the earth will throw out all its bounties and treasures for the sake of mankind, there will be no disease on the earth. People will not find any other to give charity even they will travel hundreds of miles to find no one which will accept their charity. After the rule of forty years the Jesus will die like other prophets died before him and will be buried on the earth.

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