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Christ and Antichrist paintings |
The Savior or Christ
Nearly all Major religions are currently anticipating the appearance of their “savior,” variously called, “Messiah,” “Jesus Christ,” “the Twelfth Mahdi,” “the Fifth Buddha,” or “the Tenth Avatar.” Within ecumenical circles, there is a growing awareness that one single man might actually fulfill all these religions’ expectations. A one-size-fits-all messiah would bring all the world’s religions together.
If you consider the broadest definition of Christianity, not all of the approximately 2.1 billion Christians anticipate the arrival of Jesus Christ as Messiah but they believe that Jesus peace be upon him will come back on earth. The Catholic Church, as well as some Orthodox groups, also emphasize the return of Jesus Christ.
Many of about 1.5 billion Muslims believe that before the coming of Essa (Jesus) peace be upon him a descendant of Mohammed (peace be upon him) who’s name will also be Muhammad his mother’s name will also be Aamina same as the name of Prophet Muhammad’s Mother (peace be upon him) and His father’s name will be of Prophet’s Father name Abdullah. He will not claim that he is Mehdi but people will call him so. He will be from the chain of Hassan (Alaih salam) and people will offer him the chair of Mehdi to lead them but he will not offer. He will initially fight Antichrist (Dajjal) who will claim to be false God. He will go in hiding with his few companions to wait for Jesus (peace be upon him) until he descends from heaven. Then Jesus (peace be upon him) will descend from heaven over the minaret in Damascus. He will fight with the “antichrist,” and convert the world to Islam (peace) and bring forth the peace in the world and will tell the world that he never claimed that he was the Son of God( the biggest ever blame on Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) and tore down the Cross as he was not ever hanged on Cross by Romans but that was Judas Iscariot (his betraying disciple) was hanged over it.
One should be clear that Islam is the only religion in the world which says that Jesus (peace be upon him) was the Prophet of God unlike all other which commit blasphemy in respect of Jesus. Islam also think that all of the prophets (peace be upon them) from Adam, Abraham (Ibrahem), Moses (Mosa), Jesus (Esa) to Muhammad (peace be upon him) were Muslims. Just Like followers of Muhammad (peace be upon him) are not called Muhammadans so as the followers of Moses are not Jews and Jesus are not Christians, but as Qur’an states that all the prophets were Muslims (means followers of true path). Muslim respect all prophets equally and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was Ishmael or Ismael the elder son of Prophet Abraham.
Muslim never think that the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is Mahdi not even Iranian think so, if some one uses it for propagating false notions about Islam let him be clear that the all stages of Mehdi and arrival of Antichrist and Jesus are narrated clearly in Qur’an and Hadith revelation of Prophet (peace be upon him)
One more thing should be clear that there are hundreds of Hadith in which there is clearly narrated that in which circumstances the Mehdi and Jesus will come and all the Muslims are very clear about the Mehdi arrival. Even lot of false Mehdis claims were rejected widely by common Muslims on the basis of the knowledge of sayings of prophet (peace be upon him).
I will also try to clarify the misconceptions about the topic and narrate the circumstances and symbols of the coming of Mehdi, Jesus and Qayamah(Doomsday) in the light of Qur’an and Sayings of Prophet Muhammad in next of my post.
Hinduism also believed in One God but due to changes made by Hindu disciples they imposed lot of news things in their religion. Most of world’s 900 Million Hindus look for the Tenth Avatar – Kalki. Many Hindus believe Vishnu is the creator of the world, who dwells within each person’s soul(symbolically not actually) and incarnates himself in the form of an Avatar whenever his presence is needed. The Tenth Avatar will be the last and will reign for over 400,000 years. He is to liberate the world from suffering, and enlighten all mankind.
Buddha taught that Buddhism would almost perish from the earth because the world would abandon moral conduct and become amoral, but then a new Buddha, a Maitreya would appear. He will achieve complete enlightenment, and teach the pure dharma (Pure Religion). He is predicted to be a “world-ruler,” uniting those who he rules over.
Many of the roughly 14 million Jews long for Messiah, the Anointed King. They look for him to restore the Davidic Kingdom, rebuild the temple, re-gather a prosperous Israel and defeat her enemies, and bring peace to the world. As Jews say that their Messiah will not restore the whole world but the kingdom of Jews. Out of all other religions only Jews hope for the Messiah (Dajjal Messiah or Antichrist) that is different from others in the sense that he is only meant for Jews not for all mankind, he is not like the Savior who will lead all races with single religion and fill the world with peace. That is why all other major religions are of opinion that the Antichrist will surely be the leader of Jews.
Luciferianism/New World Order( Jewish secret movement or cult)

The “Son of Perdition”
Advocates of the New World Order will attempt to fulfill the world’s messianic expectations with one man. Christians call him the Antichrist. Thessalonians 2:3-4 tells that the Day of Christ will not come until “the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,” commonly called the Antichrist. He will sit in the Temple (Jews are trying to destroy Al-Aqsa Mosque to Made the said Temple) in Jerusalem (Israel is also trying made Jerusalem its Capital) and demand to be worshipped as God. He is also called “the beast,” in the book of Revelation. This tyrannical world dictator, empowered by Satan and the embodiment of all that is opposed to God, will be defeated by Christ at his second coming (II Thessalonians 2:8).
Antichrist According to Islam
According to Islam the Dajjal (Antichrist) will rule the earth for forty days out of which first day will be of forty days (earth will rotate slow but time will be accurate so that people will know and reckon their prayer timings). The other day will be of weak and third day will become normal and rest days will be of same 24 hours format, During first day the Antichrist will conquer whole the world and he will be having Jannah (paradise) and Jahanam (Hell) in his hands who so ever will deny him will be put in his version of Hell but actually it will be Paradise and vice versa.
One of the best man of Earth(Imam Mehdi) will challenge Antichrist and ask him for a sign he(Antichrist) will kill him and again raise him live, the man then will say you are surely Antichrist and now you can not kill me, and surely he will not kill him. The Antichrist will be having only One Eyes as his Right eyes will be yellow and swollen like Grape fruit and there will be engraved ‘Dajjal’ (Antichrist) on his face so that everyone could read this. He will have lot of powers over thunder, rains, earthquake, and will be master of all sciences and paranormal things.
According to Islam, when Jesus will come down he will be given three options by Almighty Allah(God) whether to chose any of them.
(a) Victory over Antichrist and his followers with a fierce fight.
(b) Victory with the prayer of Jesus from so that Antichrist and followers will die.
(c) Victory over them with fight so that they will submit themselves likes chickens and pigs.
Among them Jesus and followers will choose last option and According to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) when Jesus (peace be upon him) will put a look at Antichrist, he will start evaporating just like ice exposed to sun and will be finished there in the dust with all other followers mostly Jews.
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