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Friday, 20 May 2011

The US Establishment Eliminates A Threat for French President Sarkozy

Alleged Rape case, 62 years Old IMF Chief Arrested in US
The police and the prostitute media have made it impossible for Dominique Strauss-Kahn to get a fair trial. From the moment of the announcement that he had been arrested on suspicion of sexually assaulting a hotel maid, and before he was ever indicted, the accounts given by the police were designed to create the impression that the director of the International Monetary Fund was guilty. For example, the police told the media, which duly regurgitated to the public, that Strauss-Kahn was in such a hurry to flee the scene of the crime that he left behind his cell phone. The police also put out the story that by calling airlines and demanding passenger lists, they managed to catch the fleeing rapist just as his plane was departing for France.

Ex-CIA agent claims Bin Laden Died Five Years Ago

Although US President Barak Obama and his military forces had apparently devised a covert operation to take out Osama Bin Laden on May 2nd of this year from Abbotabad Pakistan, but rumors and speculations were rising, since president Obama decided not to reveal any pictures of the operation to catch/kill the terrorist leader before or after they killed him, even though the entire event was recorded live.

Astonishingly White house only releases the only picture of action room where Obama and

Israeli-Palestinian deal should be based on 1967 boundaries: Says Obama

Washington: For the first time in US history an American president has articulated such a stance in which he demanded Israel to pull out of occupied areas since 1967 war and negotiate the peace deal with Palestinian people based on the borders before 1967 Arab-Israel war.

The president Obama pressed Israel, in unusually frank terms, to reach a final peace agreement with the Palestinians, citing the boundaries in place on the eve of the June 1967 Arab-Israeli War as the starting point for negotiation about borders.


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