The Day Of Judgment (Doomsday)
After Jesus the time will pass quickly and all the companions of Jesus will die and time will pass quickly and there will come a wind and no one will remain on the earth who will know that who is their creator. All the treacheries and suffering will return back to earth. People will commit sins and mate like donkeys and pigs on the roads.
Major and Minor Signs of Doomsday
Doomsday signs are divided in two main categories
(a) Minor Signs : These signs are those occurring now-a-days, According to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) there will be ‘HaraJa’ means killings of people on mass scale. Even killer will not know why he kills and killed will not know why he is being killed, women will wear naked dresses, Music will dominate the life even in the places of Prayers, The Shepherded and known poor people will erect tall buildings(like in Abu Dhabi), The Mosques will bear tall pillars and people who pray in them will keep distance from each other. The huge distances will be covered easily and quickly. Time will pass quickly.
(b) Major Signs: The Major signs will be a big fire from east, which will force people towards west and other big Fire which will force people towards East. The big intake of earth in which it will swallow the huge and power full army, the appearance of Antichrist, the appearance of Gog and Magog, the appearance of “Dabatul Arad” an animal which will come out of earth and will speak all people in their own languages and appearance of Sun from West and coming back upto to noon,
At last the Doomsday will come, according to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the Qayamah (Doomsday) will come on the worst people on the Earth ever.
According to Quran Doomsday will come in the friction of a second as people will be busy in their daily routines, when Qayamah (Doomsday) will come the mountains will fly like wool, the sky will turn like red sheet, all pregnant will drop their loads, mother will forget their babies.
According to Qur’an it will be very heavy day, One severe noise will destroy and level the earth, and earth and the sky and all the stars will be mixed together (early Bigbang state) and after that the wrath of Almighty will become severe so that he will left nothing to live in whole universe including all Angles big or small.
For the Forty Heavenly years (one Heavenly day is equal to Forty thousand Earthly Years) there will be nothing alive in whole universe.
After that Almighty God will raise the Four Angels up and than Angel Michel will blow up a tune and all dead things will re-appear and become alive all the people including Prophets will be in fear of wrath of Almighty and then the judgment day will start which will be of Forty Thousand Earthly years.

All people will be asked and judged according to their deeds either little or smaller will be scaled. So whose deeds will be heavy will enter in Paradise and other wise in Hell to be tormented for ever.
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